Tess Ender Photography's Best Moments of 2023

Each year, photographers work hard to capture the best moments from your wedding day. We post and share the moments that will highlight our work well, and that will translate for couples. It isn’t very often that we get to share our true favorites.

Sometimes a favorite photo can be about a memory, sometimes it can be about a creative angle, good composition, or great lighting. Most of these show the emotion captured in during a wedding day.

Looking back on these photos makes me feel such joy for each couple that invited me along to tell their story this year.

A moment for the details...

Because I never feel like I share these enough. Going in to 2023, I felt like I really wanted to push myself with detail photos to get creative and find the confidence I wanted for these. While detail photos aren't the photos that get framed and hung on your wall, they tend to highlight all of the planning and thought that went into your day. Here's a collection of my favorite detail moments from last year.